The analysis of technical performance of bioethanol carburetor combustion engines operated in mountainous areas
biofuel, bioethanol fuel, mixture, study, effective power, torque, specific fuel efficient, hour fuel consumption, technical performance, analytical calculations.Abstract
Nowadays, the deficit of motor fuels for internal combustion engines (ICE) requires their improvement to reduce fuel consumption at the maximum engine power and use along with conventional petroleum-based fuels to biofuels and various mixtures. Іn motor engines combustion reaction converts fuel oil energy into heat and then into mechanical work. Toxic components form as a result of combustion. They escape as exhaust gases. Exhaust gases are complemented with combustion by-products, present in oil-based fuels or additives used for energy carriers and oils. This problem can be partially solved using biofuels that burn better and their combustion products contain less harmful substances. The article offers analytical study of basic technical performance of bioethanol carburetor combustion engine ZMZ-513.10 and its mixtures with gasoline fuel. The obtained results analysis for further laboratory and field investigations was conducted.
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