bore hole annulus, well support, plugging material, drilling mudAbstract
The experience of different cements of wells support is studied. Discrepancy of type and properties of the plugging materials for mining and geological features of oil and gas fields of Ukraine is displaying. Showing promising directions of cement base modification under temperature and pressure, and technical and technological requirements of cementing operations. Results of quality control of cement stone formed from the activated, plasticized, dispersion-reinforced and stabilized materials are given.
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3 А.с. 1460203 СССР, МКИ Е 21 В 33/14. Струйный гидродиспергатор. / Б.А. Тершак, С.И. Шигаев, Н.М. Пазяк, А.Б. Ско-челяс, И.И. Наритник. – № 4069859; заявл. 07.04.1986; опубл. 23.02.1989
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How to Cite
Тершак, Б. А. (2010). ПЕРСПЕКТИВНІ НАПРЯМКИ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ ТАМПОНАЖНИХ СУСПЕНЗІЙ ДЛЯ КРІПЛЕННЯ СВЕРДЛОВИН. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(23), 51–56. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/55
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