The research of mechanical properties of downhole packer rubber seals
wellhead packer, self-sealing ring, elastic and mechanical properties, conditional equilibrium shear modulus.Abstract
The article analyzes the current state of calculation and design of downhole packer rubber seals. The following
are typical designs of downhole packers. The basic directions of downhole packer rubber seals are investigated. The
possibility for analysis and design of seals by using a number of modern software products is described. The
features of the mechanical properties of rubber are described. The reasons for necessity to know the number of
values and dependencies of the mechanical properties of rubber are defined. The design of wellhead packer based
on self-sealing ring for pressuring the wellhead and blowout prevention equipment is described. The design and
operational features of the rubber seal wellhead packer for pressuring the wellhead and blowout preventing equipment;
current trends in the study of the seal itself wellhead packer. To determine the elastic and strength properties
of the rubber under tension were performed experimental investigations by standard procedures. The results of
experimental studies of rubber, which is made from the cuff wellhead packer in compression are analyzed. The
results of static tests of samples to determine the stiffness and conditional equilibrium shear modulus are described.
The plot of shear stress relaxation at constant strain is presented.
The conclusions and recommendations for the calculation and design of the downhole packer rubber seals by
using software products computer simulation are developed.
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