Processing facility for cleaning tubing from AFS made on the basis of the tube deep electric heater
paraffin compound, thermally insulated container, working substance, high-flow.Abstract
The design of a technological complex for cleaning tubing from paraffin and resin was worked out. Complex
uses a multi-tubular container made on the basis of deep tube electric heater. The principle of operation of the complex
based on the use of thermal energy generated by the electric heater tube. Thermal energy as a result of the heat
transfer process, is transferred to the working agents acting on the wax, which is on the walls of the tubing. This
results in the melting of wax and removing it through outlet pipe of a thermally insulated container. Technological
complex cleans pipes from sediment. The technological complex saves electric energy during pipe cleaning. In some
cases, for more effective cleaning of the tubing from the paraffin compounds in the working agent with a pumpdispenser
additionally introduced a chemical to remove asphaltene deposits.
Using the proposed method of cleaning the tubing from paraffin and resin can significantly improve the
working conditions of staff, improve productivity and reduce the cost of the pipe cleaning process, as well as to
minimize environmental damage.
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