gas-lift pipe column, fatigue, vibration, energy, endurance.Abstract
On the basis of the long-term experience of gas-lift pipe column operation, theoretical and experimental research, it was established that ntensive fluctuations of a column at the expense of the unsteady gas dynamic processes taking place both at selection, and at gas injection represent a source of long cyclic loads. As a result, favorable conditions for accidental unscrewing of gas-lift pipes and fatigue failure of their constructive elements arise. In the search of more informative and perspective methods for a problem solution of fatigue endurance the author considers an original power method based on definition of the internal latent energy of deformation.
Applying main principles of analytical mechanics and mechanics of fatigue failure process of accumulation and ispersion of such energy in a column of gas-lift pipes in the form of its kinetic potential, and also the influence of this process on the fatigue endurance of its elements was investigated.
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