
  • Д. А. Вольченко ИФНТУНГ; 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская,15, тел. (03422) 42195
  • И. О. Бекиш ИФНТУНГ; 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская,15, тел. (03422) 42195
  • М. Я. Джавадов Государственная нефтяная компания Азербайджанской республики (SOCAR); AZ1000, г. Баку, пр-т. Нефтяников, 73, Сабаильский район, тел. (+99412) 521-02-82, факс (+99412) 521-03-83
  • Д. Ю. Журавлев ИФНТУНГ; 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская,15, тел. (03422) 42195,
  • Ю. А. Журавлев Сумской государственный университет; 40007, Сумы, ул. Римского-Корсакова, 2
  • О. Б. Стаднык ИФНТУНГ; 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская,15, тел. (03422) 42195


friction unit microirregularity; contact patch; energy loading; surface and bulk temperature; electrical conductivity; metal-polymeric film; friction path; lifetime.


Illustrated nanotribology spots contacts microirregularities metal-vapor friction belt drum brakes drawworks, based on their energy loading, conductivity and friction path of the contact points and the lifetime of the films on them. It is known that the rim brake pulley is an accumulator of heat energy, and the polymer pad drive positive (ions) and negative (electron) charge. The contact film lifetime determines energy loading aggregate contacts microirregularities friction unit spots. The main requirements for the contact patch microirregularities of the metalvapor
friction unit are as follows: low contact resistance, stability and durability. It is established that the resistance varied in the reduced (amine) and oxidized (imine) form polymer. Imine groups, probably more diffusely scatters electrons conductivity as compared with amine, and therefore a higher resistance to oxidation state. When burnout binders in the surface layers of the polymer lining above the permissible temperature of the materials, i.e, in electrochemical conditions in electrolyte solutions, it is possible to change the electric (free) surface charge over a wide range, i.e, to identify more clearly the effect of the field.


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How to Cite

Вольченко, Д. А., Бекиш, И. О., Джавадов, М. Я., Журавлев, Д. Ю., Журавлев, Ю. А., & Стаднык, О. Б. (2015). НАНОТРИБОЛОГИЯ ПРИ ФРИКЦИОННОМ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИИ МЕТАЛЛОПОЛИМЕРНЫХ ПАР ТРЕНИЯ ЛЕНТОЧНО-КОЛОДОЧНЫХ ТОРМОЗОВ БУРОВЫХ ЛЕБЕДОК. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (1(38), 35–45. Retrieved from https://nv.nung.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/497