Research and uneven supply three-piston and four-piston mud pump unilateral action
mud pump; three-piston mud pump; four-piston mud pump; delivery; frequency of strokes; eccentric shaft; valve; pneumatic compensator.Abstract
In the world practice in the process of deep wells drilling two-piston double-acting and three-piston singleacting
mud pumps are used. Recently four-piston single-acting mud pumps have started to be used abroad. From its
designation and operational conditions one of the essential features required of drilling pumps is the uniformity of
drilling fluid velocity at the pump outlet in order to eliminate pressure and supply pulsation as well as the inertial
loads. Therefore, there is a need of revealing the factors and the investigation of their impact on the unevenness of
three-piston and four-piston single-acting mud pumps delivery. According to the conducted studies of the
unevenness of three-piston and four-piston single-acting mud pumps delivery graphical dependences have been
obtained from which the ways of its reduction have been determined using the “Mathcad” programme.
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