Methods and apparatus of energy parameters control to improve drilling wells using electrodrills
electric drills, capacity, rotation torque, means of control, well.Abstract
The article deals with the development of the methods and devices for controlling energy parameters of electrodrills.
Based on studying the physical nature of the relationships between energy parameters of drilling process and
a face area of the well the bit operation was considered under specific pressure on the mining rock created by axial
weight on drilling bit and the algorithm of the operation criteria was shown for the torque control on the engine
shaft and its rotation speed taking into account the data about the consumed power by the system "conductor cable
– electric drill". The devices functional schemes have been developed for controlling energy parameters of the bottom
hole engines and the algorithms of their operation have been described as well. The analysis of the statistic
characteristics of the torque was presented during drilling operation on the bit using electrodrills. The autocorrelation
function has been estimated for the torque on the bit and the spectral density has been calculated.
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