Research techniques of interaction features of deformed metal surfaces of pipelines with hydrogen-containing media
pipeline steels; hydrogen embrittlement of metal; metal hydrogenation; cathode polarization; hydrogen volume concentration; mechanical loading.Abstract
The new technique and technical means were applied to study hydrogenation peculiarities and determination
of hydrogen volume concentration in pipe steel; the volume concentration study is performed on the basis of
dynamic electrochemical laboratory VoltaLab40 (manufacturer – Radiometer Analytical SMS, France). The hydrogenation
process of pipeline structural steels, used for transmission of hydrogen-containing products, was studied.
This is gaseous hydrogen and other potentially hydrogen-containing media, able to generate hydrogen when interacting
with deformed metal; hydrogen becomes the result product of physical-chemical reactions (for example,
aqueous media, oil products, etc.). The proposed method is characterized by a few special features. First of all, it is
modeling of a free corroding system, which reflects the hydrogenation process of steels in real operating conditions.
As it is difficult to achieve the stable condition of hydrogenation under corrosion potential, the following procedure
was employed: first, the samples were hydrogenated at some constant potential of polarization Ecath = const, which
is slightly more negative than the corrosion potential. Then the hydrogenated metal was oxidized in 0.2 M solution
of NaOH (pH 12.4) under anodic potential Eanodic = +168 mV (SCE) during some defined time τdis . On the basis of
the received curve, the total amount of absorbed hydrogen was calculated. An example of the method realization
was made on the specimens with steel 20. The study was conducted in special solution NS4, which models the
underground water for neutral soils (pH 6.7). The description of the developed method and technical means were
presented. New special samples for study of metal hydrogenation under mechanical tensile stress having been applied,
were proposed and verified. Such tests reflect the effect of tensile stress σ = σexp , which arises in the pipe wall under
operational internal pressure pexp .
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