Тhe main reasons for ineffectiveness of exploration on a number of Baku Archipelago areas
Baku Archipelago; oil-gas saturation horizon; water seepage; gas shows; reservoir pressure.Abstract
All the complications and accidents during drilling in geologically complex areas, including the
Baku Archipelago, arise mainly because of three reasons: 1) water seepage; 2) gas shows different horizons;
3) abnormally high reservoir pore pressure and at different depths. Industrial oil-gas saturation all existing fields is
mainly due to V, VII horizons PT and timed to coincide with the north-eastern wing folds. Just installed gas-bearing
horizon VIII (NPC) on the areas of Duvanov Deniz, Khara-Zira and Khara-Zira-Deniz. One of these reasons led to
the abandonment of wells is water seepage. As a result of exploration carried out on all structures of the Baku
archipelago can be concluded that 20-25% of the wells is liquidated because there are strong water manifestations.
The second reason for ineffectiveness of exploratory drilling is gas shows in different intervals of the geological
section. An analysis of the factual material revealed that 30-35% of complications account for the strong gas
indications. The third and most common reason that leads to complications and accidents – is the presence of
abnormally high reservoir pressures, found throughout the section, and an abnormally high pore pressures in clay
formations. The above pressure depending on the geological structure of the region may occur at different depths.
The reasons for formation of local accumulations of AVDP at shallow depths are closely related to tectonic
structures, so we need to elaborate on the tectonic features of the structures of the Baku Archipelago.
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