
  • А. Ф. Булат Институт геотехнической механики им. Н.С. Полякова НАН Украины; 49005, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Симферопольская, 2а
  • Г. А. Шевченко Институт геотехнической механики им. Н.С. Полякова НАН Украины; 49005, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Симферопольская, 2а
  • В. Г. Шевченко Институт геотехнической механики им. Н.С. Полякова НАН Украины; 49005, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Симферопольская, 2а
  • Б. В. Бокий ПАО «Шахта им. А.Ф. Засядько», 83054, г. Донецк, пр. Засядько 9А


cleaning mud; breed particle; removal of the solid phase; polyfrequency screens


The objective of the article is developing the technology of drilling mud cleaning on a vibrating polyfrequency  screen. The research methods are the following mechanics of liquid and granular media, experimental studies on cleaning mud from rock cuttings din MVG, evaluation of results using mathematical statistical techniques.  Performance and efficiency of rock cuttings separation on mud screens MVG is significantly higher than on Brandt shakers that allows you to raise the permissible speed for the cleaning operation of drilling wells, and, consequently, the technical and economic performance of drilling. The degree and efficiency of solid phase removal - clay, sand and other cuttings from the drilling fluid on MVG1.0 screen are higher than by the gravitational separation at the cyclone separators and desilters. Losses of drilling fluid in the removal of rock cuttings on MVG screens are significantly lower than in their separation on the Brandt shakers and gravitational separation at the hydrocyclones of cyclone separators and desilters. The research results on mud cleaning from the cuttings on MVG1.0 screen have shown that mud cleaning from cuttings by size separation of 25 mkm can be successfully carried out on vibration polyfrequency screens, but at5 the same time eliminating from the existing schemes inefficient additional treatment of the solution at the desilters and cyclone separators. The test results allow us to recommend the use of MVG vibrating polyfrequency screens at clearing mud instead of existing technologies. 


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How to Cite

Булат, А. Ф., Шевченко, Г. А., Шевченко, В. Г., & Бокий, Б. В. (2012). TECHNOLOGY OF DRILLING MUD CLEANING WITH A VIBRATING POLYFREQUENCY RUMBLE MVG. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, (3(33), 91–97. Retrieved from