Editorial Policy

The editorial policy provisions of the journal “SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN IVANO-FRANKIVSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF OIL AND GAS” are based on the recommendations of the Committeeon Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as the experience of foreign and Ukrainian professional associations, research organizations and editorial boards of different publications.

The research articles published in the journal are available for the academic community in Ukraine and abroad.

The purpose of the journal coverage of modern current issues of high-tech production, development of new scientific trends in technology and development of the future technologies of oil and gas industry.


The objectives of the journal are the following:

  1. To publish the materials of scientific studies on the perspective directions of fundamental and applied sciences, topical technical developments, introduction of innovative projects in accordance with the needs of society in the oil and gas industry, oil and gas equipment, and software engineering.
  2. To exchange research ideas, research methodology and practical achievements and to provide the venue for the discussion of new theories and cross-disciplinary studies.
  3. To broaden the scientific outlook of researchers in profile and related fields of expertise and to inform the research community about the best practices of scientists and experts, promising developments and new directions for scientific and technological progress.
  4. To provide information support to innovators.
  5. To facilitate the establishment of creative links between research and production teams, to involve scientists from different offices and research institutions in the interaction and cooperation in order to solve the topical issues of ecological safety, environmental protection, balanced use of resources and environmental protection technologies.